The effect of SHOOT girdling on phenolic composition and texture characteristics of three table grape varieties L’EFFET DU BAGUAGE DU SARMENT SUR LA COMPOSITION PHÉNOLIQUES ET LES CARACTÉRISTIQUES TEXTURALES DE TROIS ESPCES DE RAISIN DE TABLE

LUKÁCSY, György 2 ; VILLANGÓ, Szabolcs 1 ; VÁRADI, György 2 ; HAJDÚ, Edit 2 ; ZANATHY, Gábor 2 ; BÁLO, Borbála 2 ; ZSÓFI, Zsolt 1 * 1Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology, Eszterházy Károly University, Kőlyuktető, Eger, Hungary 2Szent István University, Institute of Viticulture and Oenology, Department of Viticulture, Budapest, Hungary * Corresponding author: Zs. Zsófi,

Abstract: The effect of girdling on grape skin phenolic composition was examined on three Hungarian table grape varieties. Dark-skinned Esther (Seyve-Villard 12375 Eger 2 x Magaracsi csemege), rose-skinned Lidi (Seyve-Villard 12375 Eger 2 x Magaracsi csemege III) and white-skinned Fanny [Seyve-Villard 12375 Eger 2 x (Téli muskotály x Olimpia)] were investigated. Girdling was conducted at the BBCH 75 phenological growth stage (pea-sized berries). Grape skin extracts were analysed on a modular Shimadzu HPLC system. Girdling modified berry sugar concentration. However, no significant increase was detected in any cultivar. Similar results were obtained in the case of titratable acidity, berry weight and average cluster weight. A significant increase was observed in anthocyanin-glycosides in the treated berry skins, irrespective of cultivar. Other phenolic substances (gallic acid, trans-resveratrol, (+)-catechin quercetin-3-glucuronide) were less sensitive to treatment, but noticeable differences were found between the genotypes.

Keywords: girdling, table grape, anthocyanin, phenolics
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