21st GiESCO International Meeting: ‘A Multidisciplinary Vision towards Sustainable Viticulture’ SOME VEGETABLE REGULATORS IN POST-HARVEST 'ITALY' GRAPE

Joselen Lemos Silva da SILVA1, Alice Farias MAIA 1, Bruna Laís HAMM 1, 1 1 Thainá Silveira DALLASTA , Wellynthon Machado da CUNHA , Juan SAAVEDRA DEL AGUILA 1 1* University Federal of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Cep 96450-000, Dom Pedrito, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil *Corresponding author: juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br

Abstract: Contex and purpose of this study – The grape is a fruit that must be harvested when ripe, since it is considered of non-climacteric respiratory pattern, which does not ripen after being harvested. The fruit after harvesting has been observed differently in recent years due to the increase in consumption, mainly aimed at quality, which is one of the most demanded by consumers when acquiring the product in the market. The 'Italy' grape is the main fine variety of table produced in Brazil, because it is the taste of Brazilian consumers. In this sense, the objective of the work was to evaluate the use of some plant regulators in the post-harvest of 'Italia' fine table grape. Material and methods - The study was carried out by the Nucleus of Study, Research and Extension in Enology (NEPE²), of the Bachelor's Degree in Oenology of UNIPAMPA. The grapes were purchased from a commercial vineyard, located in the city of Caçapava do Sul, RS, Brazil. The treatments were: Treatment 1: Control (distilled water); Treatment 2: 1000 ppm salicylic acid; Treatment 3: 1000 ppb of 1methylcyclopropene (1-MCP); Treatment 4: 1000 ppm of gibberellic acid and; Treatment 5: 1000 ppm Etrhel® (ethylene). The experiment consisted of 5 treatments and 4 replicates per treatment, with each replicate being approximately 350 g of fruit. The evaluations were performed on day zero (experiment installation) and, after 7 and 14 days of storage of the grapes at 16 °C and ± 70% Relative Humidity (RH); this storage temperature was chosen to simulate the conditions of commercialization of a supermarket. The total soluble solids (TSS) in ºBrix, total titratable acidity (TA) in%, ratio (TSS/TA), fresh mass of the cluster (g), darkening index of the stalk (grades), loss of water of the stink, and exhaustion of the fruits of the clusters. The data were submitted to the Tukey averages comparison test at 5% probability. Results – During the evaluation of the results it was observed that the use of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) in 'Italy' grape for post-harvest treatment reduced the dehydration speed of the stored bunches for 7 days, thus extending the shelf life of the fruit on the shelf of commerce. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank “Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul” (“FAPERGS/Edital 01/2019 – Auxílio para Participação em Eventos – APE”) for the financial support for st participation to the author Juan SAAVEDRA DEL AGUILA, in the 21 GIESCO International Meeting (Group of International Experts for Cooperation on Vitivinicultural Systems): 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. We would like to thanks to The company Rohm and Haas Chemical Ltda. the supply of the commercial product Inc. Agrofresh (1-MCP). Key words: Vitis vinifera L.,Plant Hormones, Plant Development,Viticulture. June 23 - 28, 2019 | Thessaloniki | Greece 1. Introduction. GiESCO Thessaloniki | 179 21st GiESCO International Meeting: ‘A Multidisciplinary Vision towards Sustainable Viticulture’ June 23 - 28, 2019 | Thessaloniki | Greece GiESCO Thessaloniki | 180

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